Saturday, April 10, 2010

Botanical Gardens At Waimea Valley

I went to the Botanical Gardens today. The Waimea Valley Botanical Gardens is an outdoor area where there is a mile and a half walk up to the falls.

On the way to the falls, there are so many types of vegitation to look at. This image to the left is a leaf of the Elephant Ear plant. I liked how the sun shone through the leaf, so it appeared to be a sort of stained glass.
Several species of Hybiscus were growing everywhere. Here is a yellow one, and then also, I think this peach one was a hybrid.

A wall of vines were growing in a pretty area. We just had to get our picture taken! Here is my husband Leonard, Me, and our little baby, Leonard the Third.

There were many chickens just running around, kicking up the leaves, and there was this endangered bird. Looked and sounded as a chicken, but it had another name. Peacocks were there too. And one was hanging out under the canopy with us, to hide from the rain.


  1. Excellent blog! I'll write more later. I'm so trying to catch up on a lot of things that haven't been getting done in the past couple of weeks!! I love your camera!

  2. I love your camera, too! I'm excited to see what you are doing and the places you are exploring. :)
